CRCST Prep Course Information

Thank you for requesting information about a CRCST Prep Course. I would love to come to your facility. This course has 8.0 CEs and I am very proud of our pass rate. It is the best in the business! We feel confident that it will genuinely help your staff successfully sit for the exam. It is also a good review and a bunch of CEs for current CRCSTs too. Please review my website to learn more about the curriculum and you can see a list of the other classes already posted.

There is no cost to your facility unless they would like to pay all or part of the registration fee for the attendees from your hospital. The registration fee is $150 per person (we also offer a discount for early registrations).

I need a classroom to teach in that holds at least 30 people with a computer and projector. I need a minimum of 12 in class to cover my costs but the average class is usually between 25 and 40 people including participants from the surrounding areas. I take care of my own travel, the registration, printing, evaluations and CE certificates. All I need is the classroom.

I consider myself a personal coach to any who take my class and make myself available to them for questions, discussion or refreshers until they take the exam.

If this sounds close to what you were looking send me an email or use the form below and we can work out the details.
I look forward to working with you!

We Can Come To You!!

We'd love the opportunity to visit your area. To find out how you can host a class, choose which course you are interested in, fill in the blanks and click submit. We'll get back to you very soon. Yo can also use this form to reach us if you need technical support.

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