New assignments will be posted every Tuesday and the discussion will continue through Monday. Every Tuesday the previous week’s discussion thread will close and the discussion will move to the new assignment.
Video Summary
Your assignments this week are as follows. Do your assignments and post the answers in the forum. Remember to cite your source.
At the end of the week, I’ll post a video summary.
If your last name starts with B, A, D, E, or F
- What does it mean with the external indicator changes color in the sterilizer? Identifies sterilized vs unsterilized packages, validates sterility, ensures package integrity, Something else?
- Using the rule of 9’s, what percentage burn for a patient with burn on the torso, back and left arm?
- Which of the following is non-ionized radiation? Fluoroscopy, Flat plate Xray, Laser?
- The patient is here for gastroplasty. He is in CHF and on diuretics, what is the MOST important lab value prior to surgery. K+, Na+, BUN, Something different
- When weighing lap sponges for blood loss, you report your findings to: anesthesia, scrub, surgeon, another circulator?
If your last name starts with C, G, I, J, or K
- How are disposable case packs processed? EO, steam, ozone gas, hydrogen peroxide?
- What would you delegate to the unlicensed person during an MH crisis? get ice, start IV, insert foley, draw Blood gas?
- How would you monitor an unconscious diabetic patient for metabolic crisis? ketones in urine, potassium, lab draws for glucose readings?
- What should be for a container for bodily fluid and cleaning supplies? A. puncture resistance, sealable, biodegradable, B. puncture resistant, sealable, with neutralizing agent, C. puncture resistant, inability to tear, prevent moisture from getting in D. puncture resistant, leakproof, biodegradable?
- During a tracheostomy a fire starts. What do you do first? A. help remove drapes, B. make sure oxygen is 100%, C. unplug Bovie?
If your last name starts with S, L, N, O, or P
- What injuries indicate abuse in a non-ambulating child?
- Lateral transfer means: lateral to prone, lateral to supine, lateral to lateral, supine to supine?
- A trauma patient with head and face injuries has arrived in the OR. Along with the initial set up, what additional instruments would you need? Neuro set, trach set, general vascular tray, thoracic tray?
- A systemic latex allergy would look like: Bradycardia and Bronchospasm, Hypotension and Bronchospasm?
- The perioperative nurse demonstrates profession development by: completing annual competency, belonging to a professional organization, reading AORN journals, attending professional conferences.?
If your last name starts with H, Q, R, T, or U
- How do you position the patient’s arm in supine position to protect the ulnar nerve?
- What is the difference between Chemical indicators and biological indicators.?
- What is AORN’s most preferred method of sterilization and why?
- The patient complains of blurry vision after receiving Tropicamide drops. What does the peri-op nurse do?
- What med is reversed by Naloxone? (Morphine Sulfate, Versed, Propofol, Nitrous Oxide).
If your last name starts with M, V, W, X, Y, or Z
- What is the Spaulding classification for acupuncture needles?
- The surgeon had been using bipolar electrocautery but now requests a Bovie Pencil. What does the periop nurse need to do?
- What is the first thing to do in an internal or external disaster?
- What are the first signs of an air embolism during a hysteroscopy?
- What type of fracture is most common in child abuse?
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