New assignments will be posted every Tuesday and the discussion will continue through Monday. Every Tuesday the previous week’s discussion thread will close and the discussion will move to the new assignment.
Video Summary

Your assignments this week are as follows. Do your assignments and post the answers in the forum. Remember to cite your source.
At the end of the week, I’ll post a video summary.
If your last name starts with B, A, D, E, or F
- What patient position compromises the Obturator nerve?
- The surgeon wants a tray another room is using, so you borrow one from another facility. It comes all sterilized and wrapped in plastic; what do you do? A. Open it to the field. B. Steam flash it. C. Send the tray to decontamination?
- who puts flammability rating on gowns?
- Which agency is responsible for setting toxic exposure limits and regulating needlestick injuries?
- What acid base imbalance would you anticipate in a patient with severe hyperemesis?
If your last name starts with C, G, I, J, or K
- When should discharge teaching begin?
- An Implant fell during surgery, the manufacturer says it’s okay to process via IUSS, what would you do? A. ask the surgeon to use different size and proceed with surgery, B. provide identical implant and proceed with surgery, C. Gravity displacement with a biological indicator for 10 mins D. Gravity displacement with biological indicator for 3 mins?
- What is the risk of hysteroscopy intravasation of fluid? Hyperkalemia/Hypernatremia, Hyponatremia/hypokalemia, Hyperkalemia/hyponatremia?
- What complications can arise from hypothermia during surgery?
- How would you place the padding for a patient with Kyphosis in supine position?
If your last name starts with S, L, N, O, or P
- What is the relationship between hypothermia and s/p flap procedure?
- What condition is an impaired drainage of aqueous humor resulting in increased intraocular pressure?
- What nerve can be damaged during the repair of a rotator cuff?
- A patient with a latex allergy has an anaphylactic reaction. What symptoms are expected? a. Bradycardia and bronchospasm b. Hypotension and bronchospasm c. Something else?
- Counting sharps and laps is an example of? Nonmaleficence, Fidelity, Beneficence?
If your last name starts with H, Q, R, T, or U
- What is it called to make an incision on the tympanic membrane and aspirate fluid from the middle ear?
- What is the monopolar current pathway?
- What is it important for the patient receiving an endometrial ablation to understand? She will not have a menstrual cycle, she will be beyond childbearing, she will bleed excessively, something else??
- To maximize the number of trays in the sterilizer, can you stack trays one on top of the other? Explain.
- When using an ESU what would you document? Location of tattoo, patient positioning or skin integrity.
If your last name starts with M, V, W, X, Y, or Z
- Which patient is NOT at risk for a latex allergy? Patient having meningocele, Patient with multiple surgery, Patient who is having surgery and works in the hospital, Patient having her second baby
- An inexperienced nurse contaminates herself. You should: Take her out to wash hands again, praise her and teach, tell her it’ll happen until she gets ‘good.’
- A pregnant patient is in cardiac arrest. What steps do you take? a. Save fetus b. Perform c-section quickly to save mom and baby c. Determine dosages and defibrillator settings d. Something else?
- What federal law primarily directs questions about a DNR/AND?
- Pt is positioned w palms facing the patient and tucked at sides. What nerve is this protected? Brachial plexus, Ulnar, Median, Radial.
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